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Redmond Real Salt

Introducing Redmond Real Salt®:
The Purest Sea Salt is sourced directly from Nature. Uncover the unique experience of a salt that is exactly as Mother Nature intended - free from artificial additives and contaminants. Harvested from an ancient seabed in Utah, Redmond Real Salt boasts purity unmatched by ordinary table salt, along with a rich array of trace minerals. Savour the subtle sweetness and impressive nutritional benefits that this unrefined salt adds to every dish.

In search of a healthier, tastier salt to enhance your culinary creations? Your search ends here. We are proud to offer Redmond Real Salt to our customers in Australia in both fine and coarse varieties.


We are committed to making this nutrient-rich salt accessible to everyone, with delivery services that include remote areas. So why choose Redmond Real Salt over others? It's devoid of artificial anti-caking agents and added sugars, allowing you to enjoy the full spectrum of its natural minerals. Plus, its non-heat-treated processing ensures you receive an authentic salt experience every time you use it. Welcome to a new era of savouring salt.


Dive into the salty sweetness of Redmond Real Salt, the best-selling sea salt in America's health food stores. Unlike your typical sea salt, this brand of sea salt is derived from an ancient, protected deposit, known as the real salt deposit. Once upon a time, a vast ancient ocean covered the land of Utah, and as these ocean waters retreated beneath the Earth's surface, they left behind a rich bounty of natural trace minerals encapsulated in a crystallised salt protected by layers of earth and clay.


The unrefined mineral content in Redmond Real Salt naturally lends it a much smoother flavour profile than regular salts. Every granule is packed with unrefined minerals that subtly enhance the food taste, adding a unique depth to your culinary creations. Forget about the harsh, overly salty bite of typical salts, and prepare to taste the difference that real salt can make in your cooking.


Why choose Redmond Real Salt over others?


Well, this is quite literally the best salt money can buy. It's not just about the taste—it's about the nutritional value it offers too. Most processed foods use heavily refined salts that lack essential natural minerals. But Redmond Real Salt is different. It is not heat processed, retaining its full spectrum of natural trace minerals that nature created before humans began polluting the planet.


Sprinkle real salt liberally on your dishes to experience the subtle, but distinct smoother flavour profile that naturally enhances the taste of your meals. So, why Real Salt? Because your eat taste experience and health are worth more than just salt money. Choose Redmond Real Salt: a taste of the ancient ocean in every dish.

Here's what some of our customers have to say about their experience with Redmond Real Salt:


"I never knew salt could make such a difference in my cooking! Redmond Real Salt has brought a whole new depth of flavour to my dishes. A total game-changer." - Sarah, London

"Since switching to Redmond Real Salt, I've noticed a significant change in the taste of my meals. It's not overpoweringly salty, just right, and it feels great to know I'm getting essential minerals too." - James, Manchester

"I find Redmond Real Salt to be superior to any other salt. Its unique taste is noticeable and the fact that it's not heat processed is just a bonus. I definitely recommend it." - Fiona, Glasgow

"Redmond Real Salt is the only salt I use now. I love the smoother flavour and knowing that I'm benefiting from natural trace minerals is fantastic. It's worth every penny." - Adam, Birmingham

Unrefined and bursting with natural trace minerals, Redmond Real Salt offers numerous nutritional benefits that contribute to a healthier lifestyle. Unlike refined salts, it retains all its inherent goodness, including over 60 trace minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium, supporting multiple bodily functions. These elements are crucial for maintaining fluid balance, proper heart rhythm, and muscle function. Moreover, the absence of harmful additives and anti-caking agents ensures you're consuming salt in its purest form, as nature intended. So not only does Redmond Real Salt enhance the flavour of your meals, but it also nourishes your body with essential minerals, making it a healthier choice for your table.


Redmond Real Salt Australia
Down under, Australians are also discovering the delicious and nutritious benefits of Redmond Real Salt. It is becoming increasingly popular in households across the country, with consumers appreciating its clean, vibrant taste and its contribution towards better health. Replacing refined salts with Redmond Real Salt is a simple change, but one that can have a profound impact on your overall well-being. So whether you're in Sydney, Melbourne, or Perth, delight in the unique flavour of Redmond Real Salt, and make the switch today for a healthier tomorrow.
