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DIY magnesium oil spray with magnesium flakes

DIY magnesium oil spray with magnesium flakes

Posted by Kylie on 19th Feb 2020

Making Magnesium Oil Spray with Magnesium Flakes

Magnesium oil is a very popular magnesium supplement that can be applied topically for relief of aches and pains or taken orally in small doses to address magnesium deficiencies. Magnesium chloride flakes (sometimes called magnesium salts) are usually mined from old sea beds or from mineral seas like the Dead Sea. They are commonly dissolved in warm baths and valued for their recuperative powers.

It is possible to make your very own magnesium oil using magnesium chloride. It is a simple process. You will need

  • One half a cup of magnesium flakes
  • One half a cup of water - preferably distilled to extend the shelf life
  • Spray bottles (preferably glass)

Making the oil is simply a matter of bringing the water to boil and then adding the flakes to the boiled water and stirring them until completely dissolved. Once cooled, the oil (can be stored for up to six months providing you used distilled water.

Applying Magnesium Oil Spray

The most popular use of magnesium oil is by topical application. Applying magnesium oil helps muscles to relax and contract, thereby easing stiffness and muscle pain. To ensure that you are not allergic to it, it is best to conduct a skin patch test first, particularly if you have sensitive skin.

Start by applying magnesium oil several times per day to your arms, legs and torso, paying particular attention to joints muscles and any other areas of concern. Take care to avoid broken or delicate skin. You can gradually build up the incidence of spraying as you see fit.