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Bonvit Roasted Blue Dande French Chicory Tea x 32 Filter Bags


Bonvit Roasted Blue Dande French Chicory Tea x32 Filter Bags


When brewed into a Dandelion Tea drink, roasted chicory root has a dark colour, rich flavour and full body. Bonvit’s chicory is cultivated in the north of France (where it’s sometimes called “blue dandelion”) and contains no additives at all. Naturally caffeine-free, it’s a healthy alternative to decaf and perfect for lending a French accent to your evening. The Bonvit Dandelion tea can keep you going whole day long.


  • Reduced cholesterol
  • Aids weight loss
  • Increases liver health

Suggested Usage

It is added to ½ glass water and brewed to release all flavours in water. Add a little milk for best results or simply without milk is also a great taste. The added chicory makes it a good alternative for caffeine. It is a soothing drink when taken with water and/or milk.

Product Attributes

  • Soy free
  • Gluten free
  • Vegan
  • Organic
  • Chemical free


Chicory Root