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Organic Coriander

RHF - OGG - 18045

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Organic coriander is naturally grown and free from genetically modified organisms, synthetic fertilisers and pesticides.

In Australia the term coriander is used to refer to the ground seeds and the fresh leaves of the plant. In some places,
most notably the United States, the leaves are called Cilantro or Chinese Parsley. The plant is a member of the parsley
family and is used in a variety of dishes. 

Fresh organic coriander leaves  have a citrus like flavour and are predominately full of vitamins A, C and K. Coriander
seeds, on the other hand, have a slightly nutty, spicy taste and  are full of minerals including manganese, calcium,
iron and magnesium.

How to use coriander 

Coriander recipes will usually state whether to use seeds or the leaves. If in doubt, you can expect coriander leaves
to be used in dishes such as guacamole, salsa, soups and chutney. The seeds are more likely to be used in stews,
curries, rice dishes and dal recipes.

How to keep coriander fresh

To keep coriander leaves fresh for as long as possible, trim the stems at the bottom, then place the stems in a jar

of water in the refrigerator. Change the water regularly but keep an eye out for wilting and yellowing leaves.

Benefits of coriander organic

Coriander leaves and seeds are full of antioxidants that help to protect the body against the ravages of free radicals.
It is thought that the antioxidants within coriander help to reduce inflammation. Additionally, coriander is believed to
have positive effects upon heart health and blood sugar levels as well as helping to ward off infection. 

Organic coriander provides all of these benefits as well as the following:

  • As a rule, organic food has been picked more recently and is therefore fresher than non-organic food., 

  • Organic coriander is not sprayed with chemicals or pesticides.

  • Free from GMOs.

  • Environmentally sustainable methods are used while growing organic coriander


Where to buy organic coriander

If you prefer to use organic coriander, you will discover that Buy Organics Online has what you need. We stock in-season
organic coriander that is fresh and locally grown. Buy coriander online today and we will ship it directly to your home..