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Microrganics Green Nutrit Hawaiian Pac. Spirulina Pwd 225g


MicrOrganics Green Nutrit Hawaiian Pac. Spirulina Powder 225g


Hawaiian Pacifica SPIRULINA is widely recognised as one of the world's most concentrated superfoods, brimming with organic nutrition. Just three grams offer more antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits than five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Spirulina is a microscopic blue-green algae, prized for centuries as a significant food source. Highly digestible and packed with nutrients, it is nature's richest source of complete proteins. Rich in GLA, it also provides crucial B vitamins, including bioavailable B12, as well as other essential organic minerals and trace elements.


Hawaiian Pacifica Spirulina provides nutrients often lacking in modern diets. It may provide athletes with sustainable energy, potentially reducing recovery time. Additionally, it nourishes those facing digestive, assimilation, or elimination challenges. Its nutrient density makes it an appetite satisfier for weight-conscious individuals. Children or others disinclined to eat vegetables can conveniently consume their greens through Spirulina. Furthermore, it aids busy individuals in meeting their nutritional needs amidst hectic schedules.


  • Rich in nutrients often lacking in modern diets
  • May provide athletes with long-lasting energy and reduce recovery time
  • Nourishes individuals with digestion, assimilation, and elimination challenges
  • Satisfies appetite by providing essential nutrients for weight-conscious individuals
  • Enables children and others disinclined to eat vegetables to conveniently consume their greens
  • Helps busy people meet their nutritional needs amidst hectic schedules


100% Pure Hawaiian Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis)


What makes Hawaiian Pacifica Spirulina unique?

Hawaiian Pacifica Spirulina stands out as a nutrient-dense superfood, containing more concentrated organic nutrition than any other known food. It boasts a remarkable nutrient profile, including GLA, bioavailable B12, and other essential minerals and trace elements.

How can Spirulina benefit my overall health?

Spirulina is versatile, offering various health benefits. It can help boost immunity, improve digestion, aid weight management, and enhance overall energy levels among other benefits, as part of an overall healthy lifestyle.

Is Spirulina suitable for everyone?

Generally, Spirulina is well-tolerated and suitable for most people. However, those with allergies or sensitivities to algae or other specific dietary restrictions should exercise caution and consult with a healthcare professional before consuming it.

How should I incorporate Spirulina into my diet?

Spirulina powder's versatility makes it easy to incorporate into various meals and beverages. It can be mixed into smoothies, sprinkled on cereal, or added to soups or salads. Furthermore, it is an excellent addition to energy balls or homemade protein bars.

Call to Action

Elevate your wellness journey with MicrOrganics Green Nutrit Hawaiian Pac. Spirulina Powder. As part of a healthy lifestyle, this nutrient-rich superfood can support your overall well-being. Order yours today and unlock the power of nature's most concentrated organic nutrition!