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Salt of the Earth Celtic Sea Salt Fine 250g


Salt of the Earth Celtic Sea Salt Fine 250g

Introducing Salt of the Earth Celtic Sea Salt Fine 250g, a premium and meticulously hand-harvested salt that imparts a touch of exquisite flavour to your culinary creations. This fine Celtic sea salt is renowned for its exceptional quality and distinct characteristics, making it a treasured ingredient amongst chefs and food enthusiasts alike.

Sourced from the pristine coastal regions of the Celtic Sea, this artisanal salt undergoes a traditional harvesting process that has been passed down through generations. Skilled salt farmers carefully collect the salt crystals by hand, employing age-old methods that prioritise sustainability and respect for the environment.

What sets Salt of the Earth Celtic Sea Salt apart is its rich mineral content. Bursting with essential minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium, this salt not only enhances the flavour of your dishes but also provides nourishing elements for your body. These minerals are believed to promote proper hydration, support a healthy electrolyte balance, and contribute to overall well-being.


  1. Each crystal of this Celtic sea salt is meticulously collected by skilled salt farmers using traditional, sustainable harvesting methods.

  2. This artisanal salt is renowned for its exceptional quality and distinct characteristics, making it a preferred choice among chefs and food enthusiasts.

  3. Packed with essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium, this salt offers both flavour enhancement and nutritional benefits.

  4. The fine grain size of this salt ensures effortless integration into a wide range of recipes, allowing for even distribution and consistent flavour.

  5. The salt dissolves quickly and evenly, ensuring that it seamlessly blends with your dishes without any gritty texture.

  6. Sourced from the coastal regions of the Celtic Sea, this salt is derived from a pristine environment, free from pollutants and contaminants.

  7. The harvesting process prioritises sustainability and respects the marine ecosystem, ensuring the long-term health of the environment.


  1. This salt enhances the flavour of your dishes, bringing out the natural flavours of ingredients and adding a unique depth to your culinary creations.

  2. The mineral-rich composition of this salt provides essential nutrients that contribute to overall well-being, including proper hydration and electrolyte balance.

  3. The fine texture and quick dissolution of the salt make it suitable for a wide variety of recipes, including salads, vegetables, meats, baked goods, and more.

  4. By choosing this salt, you support responsible sourcing practices and the livelihoods of local salt farmers who follow traditional methods of harvesting.

  5. This Celtic sea salt is free from artificial additives, preservatives, and anti-caking agents, allowing you to enjoy a pure and natural seasoning option.

  6. With its premium quality and distinct characteristics, this salt adds a touch of gourmet elegance to your culinary endeavours, impressing both yourself and your guests.

  7. By incorporating this high-quality salt into your recipes, you have the opportunity to experiment and elevate your cooking with a versatile and flavourful ingredient.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Where is this Celtic Sea Salt sourced from? A: This premium salt is sourced from the pristine coastal regions of the Celtic Sea. Q: How is this salt harvested? A: Skilled salt farmers meticulously collect each crystal by hand, employing traditional and sustainable harvesting methods. Q: What are the main benefits of this Celtic Sea Salt? A: This salt not only enhances the flavour of dishes but also provides essential minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium, contributing to overall well-being and promoting healthy hydration and electrolyte balance. Q: Is this salt suitable for all types of cooking? A: Yes, the fine grain size and quick dissolution of this salt make it suitable for a wide variety of recipes, including salads, vegetables, meats, baked goods, and more. Q: How can I store this salt properly? A: To preserve its freshness and flavour, store this salt in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Call to Action: Ready to embark on a culinary journey like no other? Experience the gourmet elegance of Salt of the Earth Celtic Sea Salt Fine 250g and elevate your dishes to new heights of flavour. Order yours today and discover the true essence of culinary excellence!