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Buckwheat Noodles

Buckwheat Noodles

What are Buckwheat Noodles?

Buckwheat noodles, sometimes referred to as Soba noodles, in their purest form are made from buckwheat flour and water. Buckwheat is a grain that despite its name is not related to wheat and therefore, gluten free. However, it is worth nothing that many buckwheat flour noodles also have some refined wheat flour added to them. Often the two varieties can be distinguished by their Japanese names - juwari soba (pure buckwheat flour noodles) and hachiwari, which is made up of a combination of 80% buckwheat and 205 refined wheat. Organic buckwheat noodles are made from organic buckwheat that has been grown, harvested without the use of chemical fertilisers or insecticides as well as being GMO free.

The key from a health perspective, is to choose 100% buckwheat noodles.

When considering buckwheat noodles nutrition wise you can rely upon buckwheat to be loaded with carbohydrates as well as having healthy doses of fibre and resistant starch. It also contains high quality protein and higher mineral levels than many common forms of cereal such as wheat and rice.

How to cook Buckwheat Noodles?

Perhaps the biggest secret to cooking buckwheat noodles is in the preparation. Most buckwheat noodle packaging fails to mention that they should be washed. Here’s how to cook them properly so that your soba dish is delicious and not a gluey sticky mess.

Here is how to cook soba noodles properly:-

  1. Bring a large bowl of unsalted water to the boil and then add your buckwheat noodles.

  2. Give the water a stir to ensure that all the noodles are submerged beneath the surface.

  3. Let the water return to boiling point before reducing heat to simmer level.

  4. Allow the noodles to simmer according to cooking directions on the pack (usually between five and eight minutes)

  5. While the noodles are simmering, get a large bowl of cold water and a colander ready to transfer the noodles into.

  6. When the noodles are thoroughly cooked but not at a mushy level, place them in the colander and then transfer the colander of noodles into your bowl of old water.

  7. Now, use your hands to “wash” the noodles by rubbing handfuls of noodles together in a carefully vigorous sort of way. This helps to remove a lot of the excess starch and prevents the noodles from becoming “gluggy.”

  8. Drain once more in the colander and allow to stand for a minute.

  9. Use noodles as per your recipe directions.

Are Buckwheat Noodles gluten free?

Pure buckwheat noodles are gluten free. Buckwheat noodles made with a combination of wheat and buckwheat flour is not. Check package labelling carefully.

Where to buy Buckwheat Noodles?

If you’re wondering where you can find quality organic buckwheat noodles then Buy Organics Online is the place that you can rely upon. All our buckwheat flour noodles have been carefully chosen for quality and integrity. If you are looking for a great tasting gluten free noodle product look no further than buckwheat noodles - buy from Buy Organics Online today. 

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