Magnesium Chloride
What is Magnesium Chloride?
Magnesium chloride is a natural mineral that has many health benefits. It is required in the body as it acts as an electrolyte carrying electrical charges in body fluids like blood. It is the fourth most prevalent mineral in the body after calcium, potassium and sodium, The mineral actively stimulates hundreds of enzymes that stimulate critical biological reactions. Some of these reactions include vitamin D generation.
Many adults suffer from some form of magnesium deficiency(hypomagnesemia). Magnesium is a vital ingredient in creating strong bones and healthy teeth. It is also critical in maintaining muscle, enzyme and nerve function and is also closely related to the metabolism of calcium and potassium.
Not getting enough magnesium into the body can result in some serious adverse effects on the health of the human body. Symptoms of mild hypomagnesemia may include
- General lethargy and feelings of exhaustion
- Persistent twitching, particularly in facial muscles
- constipation
- muscle weakness
- vomiting and general feelings of nausea
- constipation
- body tremors
More severe symptoms may include
- seizures
- muscle contractions
- irregularity in heartbeat.
In some rare cases the heartbeat irregularity caused by magnesium deficiency can result in cardiac arrest.
Western diets make it difficult for many people to get enough magnesium in the body. This has led to a range of magnesium chloride products being available on the market.
You can choose from magnesium chloride flakes (suitable for bath salts) oils, sprays and oral tablets. All will provide some therapeutic benefits if applied to the skin or taken orally.
A flake is simply a concentrated form of mag chloride that is ideal for use in hot baths. The relaxant qualities of magnesium flakes are renowned the world over and while the transdermal benefits of magnesium baths are still being debated, there is no doubt that anecdotal evidence suggests that salt baths help people to relax, and may assist in muscle recovery.
Magnesium is usually obtained from brine, seawater or mined from ancient sea beds. The Dead sea and the ancient Zechstein seabed are two famous sources of magnesium salts, although Dead sea salts are also made up of at least 12% sodium chloride and have up to twenty one different minerals and could be logically expected to contain a lesser concentration of magnesium than magnesium flakes obtained from the Zechstein seabed.
Magnesium chloride(MgCl2) and Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) -commonly referred to as Epsom salt are closely related. One key difference is how they dissociate into ions on a molecular level when dissolved in water. Magnesium sulfate becomes one magnesium ion and one sulfate ion, whereas Magnesium chloride dissociates into one magnesium ion and two chloride ions.
The ions themselves give the substance a bitter taste and the bitterness will vary in accordance with ion concentration levels
What are Magnesium Chloride Health Benefits?
You can benefit in many different ways including:
- Relieving stress [1] Sufferers of anxiety and even depression have been found to have low magnesium levels. Taking magnesium supplements can help to improve magnesium levels and reduce stress.
- Improve bone density.[2] Magnesium is required to produce vitamin D Which is the vitamin that allows the body to produce calcium naturally. Calcium is essential for strong healthy bones and production of vitamin D is a must. Even if you're taking vitamin D supplements you will still need magnesium to activate it in the body.
- Improve heart health by assisting with Clot prevention fat metabolism and Vessel dilation. It also acts to create the electoral electrical impulses around the heart. According to Harvard Health, magnesium. calcium and potassium are all essential for good blood pressure management. Studies[3] have also shown that taking magnesium supplements may assist in lowering blood pressure, particularly if the person suffering from high blood pressure was not getting an adequate supply of magnesium in their diet. The studies also concluded that maintaining optimal magnesium levels could potentially reduce the risk of hypertension.
- Relief of aching and sore muscles[4]. Magnesium chloride baths are famous for their relaxant qualities. A luxurious soak in a magnesium bath is said to help to soothe aching muscles and tired joints as the transdermal magnesium absorption process takes place.
- Better brain and nerve health[5]. As well as been demonstrated to assist recovery. For neurological injuries it may well help sufferers of chronic headaches and migraine. As magnesium deficiencies have been shown to be one of the characteristics of regular migraine sufferers
- Aids digestion when taken orally[6] as it assists in the generation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Its use a magnesium supplement helps to address stomach gastric secretion deficiencies that could cause problems with digestion, improper absorption of vitamins and minerals and increased susceptibility to viruses growing in the gut
- Potential improvement of exercise performance[7]. The human body needs up to 20% more magnesium when exercising. Studies have shown athletes taking an oral supplementation of magnesium experienced an improvement in performance. One research article claimed that volleyball players taking a regular dosage of 250mg of mag demonstrated improvements in running and jumping. A similar result was demonstrated by 23 triathletes whose performance times increased after a regular daily dose over a four week period.
- Can play an important role in reducing blood sugar level for those who do not have adequate magnesium levels present in their body.[8]
- Has been shown to relieve some symptoms commonly associated with PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)[9]
The most effective way to improve your intake is to ingest it, preferably through fresh food sources like spinach, kale and broccoli - however taking magnesium chloride in supplement form can also be very helpful in improving magnesium levels in the body.
Transdermal absorption
It is commonly thought that magnesium can be absorbed through the skin after immersion in a magnesium chloride solution which is easily made by dissolving magnesium flakes in warm water.
Theoretically, it makes sense as the skin is the body's largest organ and the skin pores could open up and absorb the solution directly into the body, stimulating muscles, aiding pain recovery and assisting in all those activities that magnesium helps keep functioning properly
Although many advocates of mineral salts in general have sworn by the practice for years, there has been little evidence to support the theory.[10] Recent research suggests that transdermal absorption may indeed occur around hair follicles. The rate of absorption may be dependent upon the level of ion concentration
Topical Application of magnesium chloride
Using topical magnesium oil is one way of supplementing your intake, however it is probably best to apply a portion to a small patch of skin as some people are known to experience some side effects from this exposure. typically these side effects can be mild burning or stinging sensations.
Are there potential side effects of oral magnesium chloride supplements?
Getting too much magnesium in your diet is not likely for most healthy people, however there are some extremely rare cases where too much magnesium has caused a condition known as hypermagnesemia in healthy people. The risk is far more likely for people with preexisting conditions like kidney failure. A rapid increase in intake could in some instances result in some side effects such as diarrhea, lethargy, nausea and stomach cramps.
However, it is well known that all forms of magnesium can potentially have laxative effects - Magnesium oxide causes the most difficulties in this area while magnesium glycinate is the best absorbed of all forms The chloride form falls somewhere in between the two.
If you experience an allergic reaction that could present as swelling of your face, lips or throat, difficulty in breathing or extreme dizziness.you should seek medical help from your doctor.
There is also some evidence that mag chloride can bind to some prescription drugs and have some unfortunate consequences. To be on the safe side, you should seek medical advice from your healthcare provider if you are on prescription or herbal medication prior to commencing a magnesium supplement program.
Naturally, it is prudent to keep any supplies out of the reach of children
Other uses and applications of Mgcl2
Magnesium chloride can be utilised in a variety of ways besides being used as either an Epsom salt bath substitute, foot soak or a mineral supplement to complement your health.
Electrolysis is used to transform the chloride into metallic magnesium.
The chloride is also used for dust control ,soil stabilization and to mitigate the effects of wind erosion. In some parts of the world it is used to de-ice highways, roadways, sidewalks, driveways and parking lots. In Japan it is used as an important ingredient in Tofu and is sold separately as Nigari - which has been obtained from sea water and had the sodium chloride removed.The white powder is bitter to taste.
Finally, it is often used as a garden substitute for magnesium sulfate or Epsom salts as it is commonly known. Plants often have a magnesium deficiency and a light sprinkling of either salt helps to give the plants vital nutrients.
What is the recommended dosage and use of magnesium chloride?
Supplements can be taken in tablet, capsule or powdered form. Magnesium oil can also be applied topically. The amount of magnesium required will vary according to age and need. Any regular dose of magnesium chloride should be taken to complement your dietary needs Typical doses for adults can range between 200 and 500 mg of magnesium. The dosage should help you to meet your Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) as determined by the Office of Dietary Supplements in the United States.
Proper dosage will be reliant upon the individual's age and personal circumstances. Suffice to say that as we age we need a larger daily intake. Babies under six months need as little as 30 milligrams per day while adults over 50 may need as much as 420 milligrams per day. Given the vast differences in recommended dietary allowance, it is recommended that all supplements and flakes be kept out of the reach of children.
Where to Buy Magnesium Chloride?
Buy Organics Online has a wide range of magnesium products for you to choose from. Our varied range of magnesium chloride powder, flakes, magnesium oils, sprays, liquid magnesium chloride, magnesium supplements and magnesium chloride tablets has been sourced from the most reputable magnesium chloride suppliers in the industry. Buy magnesium chloride products from Buy Organics Online and experience its therapeutic and remedy benefits first hand.
1.Magnesium and stress
2.Magnesium and osteoporosis: current state of knowledge and future directions.
3.Magnesium and hypertension
4. A Pilot Study on the Effects of Magnesium Supplementation with High and Low Habitual Dietary Magnesium Intake on Resting and Recovery from Aerobic and Resistance Exercise and Systolic Blood Pressure
5.Nutrition and Traumatic Brain Injury: Improving Acute and Subacute Health Outcomes in Military Personnel.
6. Intestinal Absorption and Factors Influencing Bioavailability of Magnesium-An Update
7.Can magnesium enhance exercise performance?
8.Effect of Magnesium Supplementation on Insulin Resistance in Humans: A Systematic Review
9. Evaluating the effect of magnesium and magnesium plus vitamin B6 supplement on the severity of premenstrual syndrome
10.Myth or Reality—Transdermal Magnesium?