Nutri Leaf Slim Tea
What is Nutri Leaf Slim Tea?
Nutri Leaf Slim Tea is a specially formulated tea that acts as an all-natural herbal laxative. Drinking it will encourage regular bowel movements. It has been deliberately designed to be taken to assist dieters with weight reduction. This natural organic tea contains a blend of natural herbs that have appetite suppressant properties.
There is a suggestion that drinking Nutri leaf slim tea may help in breaking down excess fat and stimulating the body’s metabolism to “run faster.”.
Senna is the main ingredient of this tea. This herb is used to treat constipation. It is sometimes taken in order to clear the large intestine prior to surgery. It usually takes effect within twelve hours of being taken orally. Glycosides are the key laxative agent within Senna. These organic compounds are common to many species of plants.
Nutri leaf slim tea side effects.
The African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines states that Senna is a stimulant laxative. In other words, Senna causes the bowel to push waste out faster than it usually would. This means that people contemplating taking this tea should be prepared for some discomfort. Many reviews of the product state surprise at how quickly it worked. There is also some evidence to suggest that a small minority of people experience severe allergic reactions to Senna in particular. It is, therefore, suggested that it is wise to consult your doctor before adding this tea to your diet.
How to use Nutri leaf slim tea
This tea should be drunk by adults only. The tea should be prepared only using porcelain or glass utensils. Preparing it is a simple process.
Boil water.
Add 1 teabag to each cup.
Pour boiled over the tea bag, and then cover the cup.
Let the brew steep for between 3 and 5 minutes.
Stir cup well before serving as this will help release the full potency of the herbs.
Where to buy Nutri leaf brand slim tea
Nutri leaf brand slim tea is available through the Buy Organics Online website. Get your supply today.