Gluten Free Cereal
Why go Gluten Free Cereal
Besides the 1 in 70 reported cases of Coeliac disease in Australia there is much evidence to suggest that many Australians suffer from some form of wheat intolerance. The CSIRO recently reported that those numbers could be as many as 1 in 7 Australians suffer some form of wheat intolerance.
Traditionally many breakfast cereals have a wheat base or contain gluten in one form or another. Products containing oats for example are not allowed to be advertised as gluten free in Australia.
If you suffer from Coeliac disease you simply must adhere to a wheat free diet. Similarly if you suffer some intolerance to wheat it may be beneficial to reduce your wheat intake.
Fortunately there are many gluten-free cereals available today in Australia You can now pour a bowl of delicious cereal, comfortable in the knowledge that it contains no gluten.
Who is gluten free cereal good for?
Gluten free cereal is good for people suffering from celiac (coeliac) disease and for those diagnosed to be gluten intolerant.
What cereal is gluten free
There are many variations of gluten free cereal that coeliacs can enjoy. Generally, cereals made from corn, rice or oats will meet the requirements of being gluten free. For a filling, nutritious breakfast cereal that is sure to taste great while being gluten free, a safe bet is gluten free muesli.
Benefits of Gluten Free Breakfast Cereal
Besides allowing Coeliac disease sufferers to enjoy a good breakfast cereal, taking the decision to reduce your intake of gluten by choosing a high fibre Gluten-free cereal may have some surprising benefits. So, what are the benefits of gluten free cereal? They are:
Can help to reduce cholesterol levels
Helps with digestive health
Increased energy levels
Increased intake of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals will help in improving overall health
Can help sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome and arthritis
Reduced intake of processed foods
Helps with healthy weight gain as sufferers from coeliac disease often suffer from weight loss.
Reduces bloating and gas associated with gluten intolerance.
Can help reduce inflammation which may ease joint pain.
Helps to ease depression which is common among coeliac sufferers. This is more associated with the effects of the disease being eased by a gluten free diet rather than any chemical reaction.
Helps to ease lactose intolerance in gluten intolerant people as their gut struggles to produce the enzyme lactase.
Improves absorption of calcium which may contribute to bone health.
Gluten Free Cereal Australia Will Love
At Buy Organics Online you can buy the best gluten free cereal products available in Australia. All of our gluten free cereals have been sourced from the best suppliers within the gluten free and cereal industries. Now is the time to reduce your gluten intake and choose a breakfast cereal that won’t cause you discomfort - purchase the cereals that are certifiably gluten free from Buy Organics Online today.