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JoOlley Ear Candles 1 Pair


Rejuvenate your senses with Joolley Ear candles, renowned for delivering serenity and well-being for centuries.

Journey to Relaxation:

  • Experience a sense of calmness and tranquility.
  • Enhance your focus and mental clarity.
  • Indulge in a ritual of self-care and relaxation.

Unique Qualities:

  • 100% Natural Ingredients: Crafted with pure cotton and double-filtered beeswax, ensuring a natural and gentle experience.
  • Unwavering Craftsmanship: Meticulously handcrafted to provide a consistent and reliable performance.
  • Tradition Meets Science: Blending traditional wisdom with modern manufacturing standards for optimal results.

Benefits of Ear Candling:

While scientific evidence is limited, anecdotal experiences suggest that ear candling may offer benefits like:

  • Temporary Earwax Relief: May help soften and loosen earwax, potentially aiding in its removal.
  • Soothing Relaxation: This creates a calming and soothing sensation, promoting relaxation and tranquillity.
  • Improved Sleep Quality: Enhances sleep quality by promoting relaxation and well-being.

Simple and Safe Application:

  1. Preparation: Lay comfortably on one side with a towel beneath your ear to protect your hair and clothing.
  2. Candle Positioning: Gently insert the narrow end of the candle into the ear canal, ensuring a snug fit.
  3. Lighting and Monitoring: Light the candle's wick and hold it upright, keeping an eye on the flame.
  4. Safe Extinguishment: When the candle burns to 6 cm remaining, extinguish it in water and dispose of it properly.
  5. Repeat for the Other Ear: Repeat the process for the other ear to complete the treatment.


  • Not for Medical Use: Ear candles are not a medical device and should not be used to treat or cure any medical condition.
  • Seek Medical Advice: Consult your healthcare practitioner before using ear candles, especially if you have ear problems or concerns.
  • Cautious Application: Always follow the instructions carefully to avoid discomfort or potential risks.
  • Safe Usage: Never use ear candles if you have an ear infection or if you are experiencing pain or discomfort in your ear.

Alternative Therapies:

Please discuss other options with your healthcare provider for earwax buildup or discomfort. Alternative therapies or evidence-based treatments may better address your specific needs.

Explore the Power of Relaxation:

Embrace the ancient wisdom and experience the soothing benefits of Joolley Ear Candles. Discover a path to tranquillity and relaxation naturally.